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Takaro Into The Wild Game

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Time to explore the outdoors with Tākaro - Into the Wild

Learn more te reo so you can kōrero about our beautiful ngāi kīrehe (fauna) & ngāi tipu (flora). 

The game is incredibly simple yet entertaining and fun for the whole whānau. Each card features a number of symbols. Each of these symbols will have a direct Māori translation, which players will need to memorize and learn. Players will flip over two cards competing to find the matching symbols; the first player to call out the correct translation wins the round.

Tākaro can be played by ages 4+ with each round lasting 10-15 minutes. It will rely on the recognition of 57 various symbols, and the correct pronunciation of their Māori names.

By the end of the game, players will be able to confidently recall a number of the symbols and their corresponding te Reo Māori translations helping to expand their vocabulary.

Each pack contains:

  • 57 Playing Cards 
  • 8 reference cards

2-8 Players

10-15 minutes

Ages 4 years +

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