Welcome to PAUA 0800 728277
We have playgroups and community outings in PAUA regions every month.
Community outings vary – but have included trips to the library, museum, fire station, Bunnings, bee farm, trout hatchery, New World, rest homes, and parks.
Depending on the region, we either close our PAUA year or start the New Year with a celebration – everyone brings a picnic tea (or takeaways) to a local park where we supply a treat.
Check out the calendar – it’s on the back of Raewyn’s letter which is sent out with the CARs (Child Attendance Records) to Educators each week. You can also see this when you log into Educa to see your child’s learning stories (you should get an email each week when it’s loaded).
Parents are very welcome to attend playgroups and community outings with your child, even if they aren’t in care that day.
© 2025 PAUA.
Welcome to
Ngā tamariki o tātou mo āpōpō
Children are our treasures for tomorrow
The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.