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Meet Prickle the Hedgehog.
Anyone who knows Prickle will tell you that he is the smartest hedgehog around.
It is not because he wears a pair of round glasses, but because he likes to read about everything because the world is such an amazing place!
For Prickle, the best way to spend Sunday is to get comfortable with a thick book and some juicy apples.
Friends do not bother him when he reads because they know, when he is finished, he will tell them tons of exciting stories.
Prickle is 15cm and so cute!
© 2025 PAUA.
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Ngā tamariki o tātou mo āpōpō
Children are our treasures for tomorrow
The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.