Welcome to PAUA 0800 728277
A bendy, squishy, cuddly melody-maker for music lovers.
Squeak, crinkle and explore multi-textures.
Grab a hold of Squeezy Zeeby’s plush head and tail — stretch her out and squeeze her back and she’ll sing out with some accordion tunes.
Swap between two sound styles or slip into silent mode, with the flip of a switch.
Dimensions: 10” x 6” x 4”
© 2025 PAUA.
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Ngā tamariki o tātou mo āpōpō
Children are our treasures for tomorrow
The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.