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Takaro Bits and Bobs Game

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This time we're learning everyday household objects to make it even easier to start using te reo in your whare. Gather around the tēpu and kēmu on!

The game is incredibly simple yet entertaining and fun for the whole whānau.

Each card features a number of symbols. Each of these symbols will have a direct Māori translation, which players will need to memorize and learn.

Players will flip over two cards competing to find the matching symbols; the first player to call out the correct translation wins the round.

Tākaro can be played by ages 4+ with each round lasting 10-15 minutes. It will rely on the recognition of 57 various symbols, and the correct pronunciation of their Māori names.

By the end of the game, players will be able to confidently recall a number of the symbols and their corresponding te reo Māori translations helping to expand their vocabulary.

Each pack contains:

  • 57 Playing cards 
  • 8 reference cards

 2 - 8 players 
10 - 15 mins 
 Ages 4+

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Children are our treasures for tomorrow

The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.