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How Do I feel Emotions Book

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How Do I Feel? A Dictionary of Emotions

How Do I Feel is a HUGE hardcover book with over 140 pages. It is all about our children learning to recognise and label emotions and feelings.

Includes over 60 definitions to help improve emotional literacy.

Join Aroha and her friends as they share how different emotions might feel in the body and how each emotion might be helpful. This emotions dictionary is all about helping children find the words for how they truly feel. Learning to recognise and label our emotions correctly is such an important skill for life.

Giving our children this language helps to build emotional literacy. It is a gift to give children the tools to know how to recognise what they truly feel and that is it okay to feel all emotions. When they know that no emotion is 'good' or 'bad' and that all emotions provide messages, then it takes away any attachment to that emotion being part of who they are.

We may have experienced this ourselves being labelled 'naughty' or 'out of control' due to feeling angry a lot. However, this behaviour is just a way for a child to communicate. Diving deeper into why they are acting that way, why they may be feeling the things they are, can help us find some answers with our child. It can also help us find ways to help them empower themselves with tools to feel better.

Use this book to start conversations about different emotions. can, give examples of things you have experienced. When you see a child experiencing an emotion, help your child label it. "Are you feeling ... right now?"

This book can be used with children from 5 years of age up to 100+ as everyone might get something from the book.


  • Measures 216mm x 280mm (Landscape)
  • 152 pages of full colour
  • Hardback
  • Full Colour
  • From award-winning New Zealand author Rebekah Lipp and illustrator, Craig Phillips


Jenny Palmer, Author of Feel a Little. - "Aroha's Way is a beautiful, descriptive and relatable book helping children to normalise, understand and even develop their own tools for dealing with their feelings."

Dr Hinemoa Elder, MBChB, FRANZCP, PhD - "An exquisitely moving read. This book will help empower our tamariki mokopuna."

Jimi Hunt - "In order to change our culture of greatly increasing mental illness, we need to tell stories and this is one of those stories. Beautifully told and illustrated, it is another tool in the education of our young people in how to deal with emotions and increase their mental fitness."

Dr Suzanne Henwood, mBraining4Success - "This is a beautifully illustrated and cleverly written book to help children find a way back to calm."


Never underestimate the power positive praise can have on a child. Giving positive praise to our children helps to reinforce behaviours, builds self confidence and self-esteem. When you praise your child, you are showing them how they can see themselves in a positive light, helping them to recognise when they have done well.

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The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.