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Every school holidays the children go and stay with their nanny in her house by the sea. One morning (for some reason) Nanny Mihi gets them up early and they sit on the porch whistling a song until the sun comes up. Then they find out why – a bellbird appears and joins in the song.
Whenever they come to stay after that, the bellbird is there to whistle the childrens’ song. But in spring, there is no bellbird! What has happened?
Nanny Mihi and the Bellbird is a charming story about love for family and nature, released for school holidays — a special time for children and grandparents (and for parents as well). Nanny Mihi is back!
© 2025 PAUA.
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Ngā tamariki o tātou mo āpōpō
Children are our treasures for tomorrow
The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.