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Bonikka Doll - Joe

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Meet the fun and loveable Joe Bonikka doll.

With a sweet ball cap and trendy denim overalls, Joe is ready for an adventure.

Bonikka is a beautifully crafted family of rag dolls and traditional soft toys, that are handmade with love.

Made of quality, soft fabrics and featuring unique detailing and trimmings, these toys are designed to be cuddly companions and special keepsakes.

The Bonikka range of dolls is designed with quality in mind, ensuring that they can be lovingly passed down through the generations.

This makes a lovely traditional gift that will be treasured for many years!

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Ngā tamariki o tātou mo āpōpō

Children are our treasures for tomorrow

The PAUA group covers all aspects of Homebased Pre-schooler care, from homebased care, nannies and Auckland based babysitting to a fully stocked online toy store and professional print and design business.